Hi there, I'm Franca. I joined Slimming World 27 years ago as I had low self esteem and was fed up of being judged and people not seeing me for the person I am. So I decided to do something about it. I saw an advert to join a group so I did. I'm Italian so I really do love my food and at Slimming World nothing is banned especially the food I love - pasta & potatoes! I went on to lose 8st by attending groups & that extra support from my Consultant & others kept me going. Plus there's NO humiliation or judgement if your week's not gone well, just love & support from others who know some weeks are tough. I am now a Target member the bonus about that - it's free! I love my role as a Consultant and would love to welcome you to my group.
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Slimming World?
Franca at Lifehouse Church (Zion)
Your Consultant is
Lifehouse Church (Zion)
Chatsworth Road
S40 2AN
Venue accessibility
Wheelchair access
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If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.