...information for health professionals


Pregnancy and breast-feeding policy

Royal College of Midwives Logo

We worked in collaboration with the Royal College of Midwives to develop our policy on the best way to support our members in managing their weight during pregnancy. The Royal College were pleased that Slimming World were able to offer this support and importantly to help women avoid excess weight gain, which could result in an increased chance of problems during pregnancy and birth.

Our policy for pregnant members

Slimming World do not advise on weight change during a member's pregnancy and do not encourage weight loss during this time. Instead we support members in eating a healthy diet and remaining physically active. We also support members in achieving any weight change recommendations made by their health care team, particularly in preventing excess weight gain during this time.

Therefore, as part of our policy:

  • Any member wishing to continue attending their Slimming World group during their pregnancy is required to gain the support of their midwife.
  • Slimming World do not advise members on their weight change during their pregnancy.
  • Slimming World group Consultants support the member in maintaining a healthy balanced diet to manage her weight safely as advised by her midwife.

Collaboration with the midwife

  • We have a Pregnancy Weight Management Form for our members to take to their midwife at each appointment.
  • This can be used by the midwife to make any necessary recommendations or suggestions regarding her weight control.
  • If the member does not require her weight to be monitored during her pregnancy this can be indicated on the form.
  • With her midwife's support, the member can then continue attending her group to receive the encouragement and regular support in continuing to eat a healthy balanced diet and remaining active during her pregnancy.

If we notice that a member is losing weight during her pregnancy we will monitor her weight and food intake carefully, following the procedure outlined here:

  • If a pregnant member reaches a cumulative weight loss of 5lbs during her pregnancy - and she hasn't been recommended to lose weight by her midwife - we will ask her to fill in a food diary during the following week in order to check that she is eating a plentiful and varied diet, and is not being too restrictive.
  • If a pregnant member loses 4lbs or more in any one week during her pregnancy, again we will ask her to fill in a food diary.
  • If a pregnant member continues to lose weight and reaches a cumulative weight loss of 7lbs - and hasn't been recommended to lose weight by her midwife - we will ask her to consult her midwife, taking her food diary with her to show she is following a healthy balanced diet.

Slimming World recommends breast-feeding mums consume a varied, healthy diet to supply all the extra nutrients needed and advise that they make healthy food choices rather than increasing their intake of fatty foods to supply the additional energy and nutrient needs.

A booklet detailing the current recommendations for healthy eating and food safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding is available to members in group.

Slimming World's approach supports members to make lifestyle changes for the future of both themselves and their family. It's not about a quick fix or faddy diet but a healthy balanced diet to enhance good health. Through their programme they also encourage people to begin to build daily activity into their lives

Karen Jewell, Consultant Midwife, Cardiff and Vale ULHB is working with Slimming World to study the role of our healthy lifestyle programme in supporting women with their weight control during pregnancy