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Losing weight is about more than just a physical transformation – it can transform our confidence, too, which is often as life-changing. Here, our incredible Miss Slinky and Mr Sleek 2022 share what slimming success has meant to them… 

Verity’s story 

“My days of crying in changing rooms are over!” 

After 15 years of battling with my weight, seeing myself in a size-22 wedding dress was the final straw. I hated everything about myself and just wanted to disappear completely. When I joined my local Slimming World group, I tried to make myself invisible, but the Consultant, Bronwyn, saw that I needed support. If I’d had a difficult week, she was there to encourage me to pick myself back up and keep moving forward. She never gave up on me, and that meant that I never gave up on myself. 

At the start of my journey, I felt so worthless that it actually changed my personality. Now, after losing 6st, I’ve rediscovered the person I always was. I’ve stopped hiding from the world and my confidence has soared. I used to hate shopping and would cry in changing rooms. Now I love buying fashionable clothes and I’m happy to stand out from the crowd. I’m so proud of myself – I feel like there’s nothing I can’t do! 

Watch Verity’s short video 

Ryan’s story 

“I found the confidence to look for love”  

My lowest moment was sitting on a table at school (I’m a music teacher) and having it collapse in front of 900 students! I was mortified and my confidence was in tatters. I was 22st when I joined Slimming World and I’ve never looked back. My Consultant, Sinead, is so caring and inspiring. She always seemed to know the right thing to say and I couldn’t have done it without her. 

Group was also important for helping me to understand my danger zones and find strategies to overcome any tricky times – like going on holiday. After losing 10st, I have so much more confidence – I even plucked up the courage to try online dating and found love with my partner, Kieran. Now, I can’t wait to see what the future holds! 

Watch Ryan talk about his journey 

Could you be a Slimming World Consultant? 

Our Consultants are special people who play a key part in our members’ slimming success, and we’re always looking for warm, caring, kind people (with a sparkling sense of fun!), to join the Slimming World family. You don’t have to have been a member to become a Consultant – the most important quality we look for is a passion for helping others to achieve their goals. You can find out more about this rewarding role here. 

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