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🎶Whoa, we’re halfway there! 🎶 With the end of the school year coming in hot, you may feel like you’re living on a prayer right now! While we can’t help with those cries of “I’m bored” or “Are we nearly there yet?”, we can help you keep your slimming on track with our second set of motivation-boosting summer strategies.

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Soak up support

We know that summer brings a host of slimming challenges, and we can help. You’ll always find a warm welcome at your nearest Slimming World group, and your Consultant will guide you through tailored slimming strategies and all the inspiration you need to overcome any weight loss challenges and enjoy a summer of fun.

We know that summer brings a host of slimming challenges, and we can help. At your nearest Slimming World group, your Consultant will guide you through tailored slimming strategies to make sure you enjoy a summer of fun. 

Slimming World member Lisa's weight loss before and after. In both images, she is wearing a summer dress, hat and standing on a beach.

Nicola, our main image star, felt fantastic on her first-ever family holiday abroad, while the support Lisa received in group helped her to lost almost 6st and feel full of confidence on a getaway in Mallorca.

Say yes to summer socialising

From weddings and barbecues to food fairs, fetes and days at the races, our flexible Food Optimising eating plan works for every occasion. Plus, Slimming World groups are brimming with ideas for smart swaps and slim-safe strategies.

Slimming World member Suzie using the Slimming World app on her phone in Wagamama

Slimming World Consultant Suzie used her Food Optimising know-how (and the Slimming World app) to spot the healthy options on the menu at a Japanese-inspired restaurant.

More for members: Summer events and how to handle them

Tackle those triggers

If your little ones love to tuck into things you’d rather avoid, having your own slimming-friendly snacks to hand can save the day.

Slimming World’s list of Free Foods includes plenty of options for when you’re feeling peckish, including fresh fruit and veg, lean meat and hard-boiled eggs.

Plus, you’ll get ideas for nibbles and snacking strategies in group and on our member website and app.

More on the blog: Beat the snack attacks with these simple ideas

Plan active days out

Day trips are great for making the most of the fine weather (while it lasts!), spending time with friends and family, taking some time out just for you – and adding in some brilliant Body Magic without breaking a sweat.

At Slimming World, we encourage you to get active in a way that fits in with your lifestyle – because it means you’re far more likely to enjoy it and want to keep doing it! 

Lynsey sitting on a buoyancy bike in the Norfolk Broads

Slimming World member Lynsey (@lynseyhannant_norwich) clocked up some activity – and had heaps of fun – exploring the Norfolk Broads on a buoyancy bike.

More on the blog: 11 summer activity ideas – how many will you check off?

Find out more about our digital service Slimming World Online

Taste the sunshine

There’s no better time than summer for seeking out delicious new recipes. Light the barbecue and try the fired-up favourites from the Aug/Sept issue of Slimming World Magazine

Or follow Lesley’s lead and whip us some barbecue chicken skewers.

Slimming World member Lesley's BBQ chicken skewers on a bed of white rice and salad leaves

More on the blog: Find more summer tips in Summer strategies part 1 here

Be a self-catering swot

You can stay on plan, even when you’re staying away – and it’s especially easy if you’re self-catering. 

Pack your favourite Slimming World recipe book (or bookmark your go-tos online – our members have access to more than 2,000 recipes on the website and app).

Then check out the nearest supermarket and fill your basket with Free Foods like fish, lean meat and piles of super-fresh fruit and veg.

Slimming World member Sophie holding a plate of grilled salmon and vegetables

Sophie served up this scrumptious Mediterranean salmon on a camping holiday, to make sure she came home with a cracking weight loss.

More for members: Use Staying on track at the seaside to plan a slim-savvy menu for your trip to the coast

Quench your thirst

While drinking water won’t boost weight loss, staying hydrated is great for our health and it can stop us from mistaking thirst for hunger. As well as water (and you can opt for still, sparkling or tap), sugar-free squash and diet fizzy drinks are Free.

More for members: You’ll find more tips (and some tasty sips) in Ways to enjoy water

Make the most of it!

Summer doesn’t last long and sunny days are especially exciting, so enjoy them to the max. With Slimming World, you can have an amazing summer and still lose weight, so say yes to that ice cream, yes to that garden party and yes to feeling fantastic while squeezing every last drop out of the season!

More for members: Get set for a summer of slimming success is packed full of advice to keep you slimming all summer long!

Get that sunshine feeling - discover two great ways to join
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