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  • Angela Larkin lost an incredible 5st 7lbs after signing up to a Better Health Slimming World offer. 
  • Slimming World is a partner in the government’s Better Health campaign, which highlights the health benefits of losing weight and adopting a healthier lifestyle, such as a reduced risk of developing common cancers, high blood pressure and diabetes and a reduced likelihood of becoming seriously ill with covid-19. 
  • Angela has overcome serious health issues, boosted her confidence and commitment and now feels in control and able to tackle the challenges that could send her off track. 
  • The group and online members who have joined Slimming World through the Better Health campaign have lost an amazing 48,072st – that’s an average of half a stone each after six weeks. 
  • Members who were weighed 12 weeks after joining had lost an average of 10lbs. 

You can join Slimming World for less with our Better Health offer – find out more here 

Slimming World member Angela Larkin transformation

Angela says:  

“After the birth of my second child, I became very ill with leukaemia. My marriage broke down, I lost my hearing due to the cancer treatment and I had to give up my job. I was feeling very low at that point. I’ve never had a good relationship with food and I started gaining weight. As a result, I developed high blood pressure and a number of other health issues. So when I moved into a new area with my children and new partner, Phil, I made the decision to lose weight and start taking care of myself. 

I tried to slim down during the first lockdown, but I couldn’t do it on my own – I knew I needed support. I’d never been to a Slimming World group before, but when I spotted a Facebook post about the Better Health offer, I decided to give it a go.  

I was a bit nervous about going to my first group, and it was such a shock to stand on the scales and see the number 18st 4½lbs. When I realised that my BMI was in the obese category, I couldn’t hold back the tears. 

It really helped that Emma, the Consultant running the group, and the other members were so kind and welcoming. From the moment I arrived, I felt no judgement – only acceptance. Going to group is essential for me, because that’s where I get the help to set goals, to understand where I might trip up on my weight loss journey and to put plans in place to make sure I continue to lose. We’re like a family and everyone is just so supportive. It’s a really motivating place to be and that’s exactly what I need to stay on track. 

Before joining Slimming World, I didn’t pay much attention to what I was eating. Now I really enjoy trying new recipes, such as spicy Cajun chicken with lots of vegetables and rice, and I never feel hungry. There are so many Slimming World recipes that my family enjoy, so we can all still eat together. And I’ve learnt that simple, healthy swaps, like using leaner meat and less oil, can make a big difference.  

For a long time, I couldn’t even walk to the end of my road without getting out of breath. With the support of my Slimming World group, I started slowly introducing exercise to my routine, and now I go swimming three to four times a week. When I can’t make it to the pool, I’ll head off for a long walk instead. The amount of physical activity that I can do – and that I want to do – is so different now. 

I’ve lost more than 5st so far and I’m still on my journey. The change in me is incredible and I’m so proud of how far I’ve come. Before, I was always in leggings and big, baggy tops, because that was all I could find to fit. Now that I’ve lost weight, I’m enjoying trying on clothes and choosing what I want to wear.  

Since July, I’ve been living with endometriosis and perimenopause, and it would have been so easy to fall back into old, unhealthy habits. But I’m determined to stick with the changes I’ve made because I feel so much better. And I know my group will continue to support me all the way. 

Slimming World has given me the confidence to make healthier choices and the energy to do all the things I want to. I’ve transformed my life and there’s no stopping me now!” 

Angela’s weight loss success backs up data from Slimming World, which found that people who joined a Slimming World group through the Better Health campaign lost an average of 7lbs in six weeks. 

The government’s Better Health campaign was launched to encourage adults across the nation to lose excess weight, eat more healthily and get active, after four in 10 (41%) adults surveyed said they had put on weight since the first lockdown in March 2020.  

Slimming World is proud to be a Better Health partner, helping members like Angela to make positive changes and enjoy the health benefits that come from achieving their weight loss dreams. 

To find out more about our Better Health offers, click here. 

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