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Has Men’s Health Week inspired you to tackle your weight worries? Or maybe you’d like to encourage a beloved bloke to build some healthier habits? If so, we can help. Our research shows that Slimming World men dramatically improve their health, get fitter and lose weight – even faster than women!

Here are the stories of four (of many!) incredible men who’ve transformed their lives – and discovered that Slimming World is a man’s world, too!

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“I’m the active dad I always wanted to be”

Slimming World member Mark Marsden's before and after weight loss transformation

At his heaviest, 31-year-old singer, Mark Marsden, had constant pain in his feet, legs and back. Now he’s 9st lighter, and losing weight has changed his world – from his career and fitness levels to his family life.

“Things came to a head in 2021. I’d been off work for a while with a back injury – I was bedridden and relying on my family to look after me.

I was just starting to get some mobility back when my kids, Riley and Amelia, asked me to take them on a ride at the fair.

When we sat down, the safety bar wouldn’t close across me, and three staff had to try to push the bar down… with a crowd of people looking on. 

In the end, we all got off the ride. I felt as though the kids were embarrassed by me – and there and then, I vowed never to feel like that again. 

I’d heard a bit about Slimming World and knew that it was about eating proper food, so it sounded like it could be a good fit for me.

Before I joined, I’d thought the group would be full of women and older people, so I was quite surprised to find that I wasn’t the only man there. I was made to feel incredibly welcome, too.

As the weight started coming off, I found I had loads more energy. Instead of sleeping through my alarm in the mornings, I was waking up feeling rested and ready for the day.

I also started weight training to help strengthen my back. I would never have set foot in a gym when I was heavier! And the kids love it when we do active things as a family now, like running around together at soft play.”

Read Mark’s full story here

“Now I rarely need my walking stick, let alone a wheelchair!”

Slimming World member Ajay Dunlay-Kainth's before and after weight loss transformation

Ajay Dulay-Kainth, 34, thought his multiple sclerosis would soon see him needing a wheelchair – until he lost more than 3st and became stronger than he ever dreamt possible.

“Multiple sclerosis was having a devastating effect on my life before I lost weight. I struggled to get out of bed every day, and I’d begun to accept that I needed a wheelchair. I rejoined Slimming World and, within weeks, I felt much more optimistic about my life.

As the pounds came off, I found getting out of bed was no longer a struggle, and I decided I felt ready to try the Body Magic activity support programme. 

I began by walking for 20-minute blocks, with the aid of a stick – then very gradually increased from there.

By April 2023, I’d hit my target weight of 11st 5lbs – a 2½st weight loss. I told my Consultant Zaheer I wanted to go for another half a stone, and just two months later, I’d smashed it!

It’s amazing how much losing weight has improved my life – I feel fitter and stronger than I ever have.”

Watch Ajay’s moving video message

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“I’m going back to the festival half the size I was”

Slimming World member Aaron Walker's before and after weight loss transformation

When 27-year-old Aaron Walker felt his trip to Leeds Festival was ruined by his weight, he knew it was time to make a change. An amazing 14st weight loss later, he’s looking forward to more exciting adventures to come.

“It was 2021, and I’d been really looking forward to going to the festival with my mates, listening to some good music and making memories. Turns out I did make a few memories. They just weren’t the kind I was expecting…

It quickly dawned on me that being on my feet all day was going to be hard going. Just the walk from the entrance to the main stage left me out of breath. I even missed one of my favourite bands because I was too exhausted to walk across the field to where they were playing.

As a big eater, I felt sure a restrictive plan that left me hungry wouldn’t work for me. Thankfully, Food Optimising is the opposite of that! I loved learning to cook – it almost became like therapy for me – and I discovered simple swaps that meant I could recreate healthier versions of all my favourite takeaway dishes, like Chinese chicken.

These days, I genuinely love getting out into the countryside. In the past year, I’ve completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge and even climbed Mount Snowdon and Ben Nevis. My dream is to complete the London Marathon one day.”

Read Aaron’s story here

“After losing almost 6st, I’m ready for any challenge!”

Slimming World member Scott Ufton's before and after weight loss transformation

At 21st 10lbs, Scott Ufton, 51, felt like his fitness was at an all-time low. Slimming World helped him discover a fitter future – and a passion for running.

“I’d grown up with the nickname ‘Big Uft’ and was known as the larger-than-life beer monster who loved a curry after a pub crawl. That was all well and good in my 20s – I still played five-a-side football (albeit mostly in goal) and hadn’t really noticed my weight holding me back.

But by the time I’d reached my 40s, I wasn’t feeling great. I’d taken on an allotment, and tending to it left me out of breath and bent over with back pain. It was so bad that after a while, I’d have to sink to my knees to turn the soil over.

My first hurdle was my family’s flat-out refusal to eat ‘Slimming World food’ (as they termed it). As I’d always done the cooking, I decided that I simply wouldn’t tell them we were all eating the same Food Optimising meals – and the funny thing is, they didn’t notice. I kept on making all our favourites, using the simple swaps I’d read about in my member pack.

I downloaded the Couch to 5K app and, little by little, my stamina increased. To my surprise, I began to enjoy it. I realised it was actually making me happier, and I started to look forward to going out for a run each morning.

Everything became easier now I wasn’t carrying that 6st around. My running has gone from strength to strength – so much so, I did something I never would’ve believed possible – running the 2021 London Marathon as part of the Slimming World team, and raising £2,300 for charity!”

Read Scott’s story here

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If you want to lose weight, boost your energy and feel stronger and more confident, we’ll support you all the way to your goal and beyond. With more than 50 years of experience and expertise in weight loss success, we can arm you with all the tools and know-how you need to make lasting lifestyle changes while eating the foods you love – and without ever going hungry.

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