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At Slimming World, it’s not all about helping you get to your dream weight (although that is a biggie!). Equally important is the support we offer once you’ve reached your goal, to ensure that you can maintain the long term weight loss that you really want. 

How to maintain weight loss? 

Research just published shows that building healthy habits is the key to weight loss that lasts – and with an easy-to-follow plan and ongoing support, we can help you lose weight and create new eating and activity grooves that last forever – for a healthier and happier life. 

Click here to find your nearest Slimming World group

What happens when you become a Slimming World target member? 

  • First of all, we celebrate your amazing achievement! 
  • Next, you move onto our personalised Slim for Life plan, developed to help you move from weight loss to weight maintenance. 
  • You receive your Slim for Life journal, filled with all the inspiration you need to keep up your healthy habits long-term.  
  • As long as you stay within 3lbs either side of your target weight, you can attend a Slimming World group for FREE. 

Attending group as a Slimming World target member means that you’ll continue getting support from your Consultant, as well as fresh ideas from the other members, to keep your motivation high and help you maintain your weight loss. You’ll also become an extra-valuable member of the group, helping to inspire your fellow members to reach their own dream weights. 

Meet the member: Target member Alice has maintained her weight loss for five years 

Find your slimming support network   

Whether you’re new to Slimming World or you’re rejoining after some time away, we’re ready and waiting to welcome you with everything you need to get the long-term weight loss you want, including…   

  • our effective, fully flexible Food Optimising eating plan   
  • personalised Consultant-led support in your weekly Slimming World group   
  • our unique physical activity programme, Body Magic   
  • more than 1,900 authentic Slimming World recipes   
  • members-only website with weight loss tools, success stories and expert strategies    
  • top-rated members-only support app, with barcode scanner   
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