If you’re thinking about joining a Slimming World group, you might be wondering what to expect when you first walk through those doors.
Rest assured that a Slimming World group is the best place to learn more about yourself as a slimmer and achieve the weight loss you’d love. Read on to discover the wonderful things your local group has in store for you…
If you’re ready to feel real good, you can find our latest special offers here.
Where can I find a Slimming World group?
The short answer: everywhere! There are hundreds of Slimming World groups across the UK and Republic of Ireland, so you’re sure to find one that’s held at a time and place to suit you.
You can search for groups in your area on our website, where you’ll also find the contact details for your local Consultant – they’ll be happy to chat if you have any questions before you go along.
Once you’re a Slimming World member, you can attend any of our groups. So no matter where you are, you’ll have access to our unbeatable slimming support.
Can I just turn up to a Slimming World group?
Absolutely. There’s no need to book a place or ring ahead, and you’re sure to receive a really warm welcome by your Consultant and the other members.

Poppy lost more than 6st after joining Slimming World with her mum. She says, “I felt at ease straight away in group – everyone was so lovely and welcoming. My Consultant talked me through Food Optimising and answered any questions I had. Everyone was there for the same reason, and I no longer felt alone. My only regret was not starting sooner!”
Read Poppy’s full weight loss success story
What happens at my first group session?
We know you might be feeling nervous – many of our members felt the same before they joined. There’s no need to worry, though. Whichever group you choose, you’ll be greeted by kind, non-judgemental real people who understand the challenges of slimming and just want to see you succeed.
During your first half hour, the Consultant will talk you through how our Food Optimising eating plan works and give you your super-charged member pack – it’s filled with everything you need to enjoy a fantastic first week.
Then, you’ll be invited to take a seat with the other members for the most important part of our group sessions… IMAGE Therapy.

Jane has lost 3st 10lbs (24kg) and gone from a size 14/16 to a size 10. She says, “My group immediately felt like a safe, positive place. Knowing that, regardless of my result on the scales, there was a fantastic group of people in the same position as me was incredibly reassuring.”
Meet more of our members who’ve achieved real results in their Slimming World group
What is IMAGE Therapy?
We know that losing weight isn’t always plain sailing. It takes real effort to change the habits of a lifetime, and it’s so much easier with the right support. As experts in the psychology of weight loss, we’ll help you make those changes and introduce healthy habits in a way that’s personalised and sustainable.
We do that in IMAGE Therapy (which stands for Individual Motivation and Group Experience). Each week, the group will share ideas, recipes, experiences and strategies to help you keep your motivation sky-high as you build on your knowledge of Food Optimising and our Body Magic activity support programme.
IMAGE Therapy is also where you’ll begin to understand yourself as a slimmer and uncover the deeper psychological barriers to your success. Your Consultant has a set of powerful motivational tools to help you overcome any challenge you come across, and your friends in group will be rooting for you every step of the way.
More on the blog: Losing weight is easier with support – here’s why
What happens at weigh-in? How often do you get weighed?
To help us give you the very best support to achieve your dream weight, it’s important for you to weigh in. Don’t worry, your weight will never be announced to the group – only how much you’ve lost. Your weight is – and always will be – completely confidential.
At the end of your first group session, your Consultant will invite you to privately step on the scales and set your target weight. For each week that follows, you’ll weigh in at the same time as the other members in group – it’s a fantastic opportunity to chat about your week, swap recipes and ideas and support each other.
Do I have to stay to group every week?
No, but we really hope you do. IMAGE Therapy makes all the difference to your success. Our research shows that members who attend group regularly lose more weight – and the more group sessions they go to, the more weight they lose!
How long is a Slimming World group session?
Your first group will last about an hour and half, so that we can set up your membership and make sure you have everything you need to get started. After that, each group will typically last about an hour – and what an action-packed 60 minutes it is!
Each week your Consultant and friends in group will celebrate every weight loss milestone and activity achievement with awards, crown a slimmer of the week (awarded to the member who’s lost the most weight that week), and one lucky member will go home with a hamper full of delicious Free Food. And we’ve not even mentioned our regular competitions and taster sessions.
More on the blog: The 13 things you need to know about joining Slimming World
How much is it to join Slimming World?
You’ll pay a one-off group membership fee of £5 and the weekly group fee is £5.95*. We’re also the only weight loss group to offer a money-back guarantee, so if you don’t lose weight during your first four weeks of group membership, we’ll give you your money back.
We also have lots of special offers to help you save money – you’ll find the latest deals on our website.
*Standard membership fee is £5 and weekly group fee is £5.95. All prices shown are recommended retail prices. At participating groups. Please see the full terms and conditions.
Want to try before you commit?
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