
Lisa’s got bags of confidence after losing 4st


An assistant headteacher from Derby has lost 4st with Slimming World, and is raising funds for Cancer Research UK by donating clothes she’s slimmed out of and ran the 2024 London Marathon.

Before joining Slimming World, Lisa Doherty, 44, from Derbyshire had struggled with her weight for most of her adult life. She often found herself on a new diet for every upcoming event, such as her wedding day, holidays and Christmas parties. However, once the event had passed, mum-of-two Lisa would find herself putting the weight back on and more.

Lisa says: “I used having my children as an excuse to not worry about my weight gain - everyone gains a bit of baby weight, right? After having my youngest child, I was diagnosed with postnatal depression, which was later diagnosed as depression, and this led to years of ups and downs, and I would always seek comfort in food. When I lost my dad to cancer 16 years ago, I also turned to food and would eat my feelings. This seemed to be my go-to strategy for life.”

It was during the Covid-19 lockdowns that Lisa found the motivation and commitment to make a change.

She says: “After hearing stories of people who had Covid on TV or reading them in the news, I realised that being overweight often meant people were more unwell, and I had people relying on me, and things I wanted to see and do.

“When I first stepped through the doors at my Slimming World group, I was welcomed by everyone, especially Laura, my amazing Consultant."

Lisa Doherty

I didn’t expect to find things like friendship, inspiration and people who were so dedicated when I joined Slimming World, but all of these are in absolute abundance at our group. No one is out to beat each other; we all want everyone to do well and achieve their goals – it’s so supportive.

Lisa Doherty

Lisa has since lost 4st following Slimming World’s Food Optimising healthy eating plan and is still able to enjoy her favourite meals like a roast chicken dinner. She has also increased her activity levels with Simming World’s Body Magic physical activity support programme. Her fitness journey started by following the workout videos available on the Slimming World app, doing ten minutes per day, and gradually built this up over time. This led Lisa to try a variety of sports, and running became a firm favourite. She took on the Couch to 5k programme and hasn’t looked back.

She continues: “I didn’t realise just how much being overweight was affecting me. It was only when I lost weight and became fitter that I realised how much of a difference it made to both my physical and mental health.”

As well as achieving her target weight, Lisa completed the 2024 London Marathon as part of the Slimming World team consisting of Slimming World members, Consultants, and Head Office staff.

The team raised funds for Cancer Research UK, the Irish Cancer Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK, Slimming World’s official charity partners.

Lisa ran the marathon for Cancer Research UK, in honour of her dad, as well as aiming to increase awareness of how maintaining a healthy weight and staying active can improve people’s health and help reduce the risk of developing some types of cancer.

Lisa says: “I’ve seen first-hand how cancer can take loved ones away from you and the lasting effect it has on the family, and that’s why I want to do all I can to help those living with and impacted by cancer. Running the marathon was a fitting tribute to my dad as we used to go for runs together when I was younger. It was a dream come true to cross that finish line and a reflection of how far I’ve come. I was thinking of him all the way around.

“Alongside the marathon, I’m taking part in the Big Slimming World Clothes Throw by donating the clothes that no longer fit me to Cancer Research UK charity shops to sell.”

Slimming World Consultant Laura Dethick, who runs the group in Mickleover that Lisa attends each week, says: “Lisa is such an inspirational member and loves to try and recruit members to join her on her runs. Watching her become the confident and passionate runner that she is today has been incredible and I know she inspires others – we are all so proud of her!"

She’s always keen to get involved in fundraising for Slimming World’s charity partners and this is reflected in her commitment to the London Marathon and the Big Slimming World Clothes Throw.

Laura Dethick, Slimming World Consultant

Slimming World has raised more than £20 million for Cancer Research UK through a variety of campaigns including The Big Slimming World Clothes Throw and supporting the charity’s Race for Life event series.

Last year, Slimming World members, Consultants and head office staff raised £1,491,191.49 for Cancer Research UK through The Big Slimming World Clothes Throw and continues to aim higher year on year.

About Slimming World

Slimming World was founded by Margaret Miles-Bramwell OBE in Derbyshire in 1969 and has become the UK and Ireland’s leading weight loss organisation with more people choosing to attend a Slimming World group each week than any other weight loss programme. We support hundreds of thousands of people, both in our groups and online, to lose weight and to adopt new habits to stay slim for life.

Over the years our founding principles haven’t changed:

  • Our unique programme is based on a powerfully motivating support system called IMAGE (Individual Motivation and Group Experience) Therapy. Underpinned by a deep understanding of the psychology of people living with overweight and obesity, and incorporating the most effective sustainable behaviour change techniques, IMAGE Therapy is designed to inspire and motivate slimmers to make positive mindset changes and to develop new, healthier habits around food and activity.
  • Food Optimising is our healthy eating plan, based on the liberating concept of Free Food. We encourage members to fill up on those foods that are naturally lower in energy density (calories per gram) and also highly satisfying while limiting foods that are highest in fat and sugar and are less satisfying, so they lose weight without ever feeling hungry or deprived and without having to weigh, measure or count everything they eat.
  • Our physical activity support programme, Body Magic helps members to overcome any barriers around exercise. Members choose when to start and they set the pace, finding activities they genuinely enjoy, until regular physical activity becomes an intrinsic part of their daily routine.

At the heart of everything we do lies our passion for treating every member with genuine care, empathy and respect.

We’re proud to work with the NHS, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), The Royal College of Midwives, Diabetes UK and others to help shape the future of weight management in the UK and Ireland.

For more information about Slimming World’s approach visit slimmingworld.co.uk or slimmingworld.ie

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