I joined Slimming World as a member six years ago, because I wanted to be fitter and healthier as I approached 40! I have type 1 diabetes, too, so I wanted tighter control of my blood glucose. I'd always been on the larger side and didn't really do any exercise — I was a bit of a couch potato! I lost almost 3½st within 2 years of joining my local group, and I've never looked back! I trained to become a Consultant so I can help others on their weight loss journey, bringing them together to inspire each other to achieve their slimming dreams.
Ready to join
Slimming World?
Sarah at Yate Leisure Centre
Your Consultant is
Yate Leisure Centre
Kennedy Way
BS37 4DQ
07790 545522
Venue accessibility
Wheelchair access
Disabled toilet
Disabled parking
If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.