You might remember that February was Free Food Festival time at Slimming World, with members sharing their own favourite Free Food recipes in groups and on Slimming World Online. From the stack of amazing recipes submitted, we had the ‘tough’ task of taste-testing the shortlisted creations.
Allison Brentnall, Head of Food and Publications at Slimming World, says: “The recipes that came in were fantastic and covered an enormous variety of cuisines. It felt like the most wonderful Free Food showcase!”
Slimming World Free Food Festival winners 2024
Maria’s hunter’s chicken risotto

Maria Rusolo’s clever creation is going to be turned into a Slimming World food range meal – the ultimate accolade for any Free Food dish! A satisfying and scrumptious marriage of two classic meals, keep an eye out for it at your local Iceland store (or Dunnes Stores in the Republic of Ireland) in the not-too-distant future.
A big congratulations to our runners up too…
Dave Blount’s slow-cooked lamb kleftiko
Jackie Beanland’s chicken en papillote Thai-style
Congratulations to every one of our 10 national finalists – we loved your meals!
If you’d love to know more about Free Food Festival and the other fun Slimming World events, chat to your local Consultant or pop along to your nearest group.
Tell me more about Slimming World Free Food
Free Foods are those foods that are lower in calories for their weight (low energy dense foods). They help fill you up and leave you feeling satisfied for longer.
There are hundreds of tasty, everyday Free Foods, and new members are often flabbergasted when they find out what’s on the list. As well as the usual suspects like fruit, vegetables, beans and pulses (including baked beans and potatoes – yes, really!), you’ll notice that lean meat, meat replacements – such as tofu and some Quorn products, poultry, eggs and fish are also on the menu – so that’s your cooked breakfasts and Sunday dinners sorted. New members are even more surprised by the fact that pasta and rice are completely Free – so you can enjoy a plate of spag bol or a chicken tikka fakeaway whenever you like!
Free Food means never feeling hungry, guilty or deprived, so you’re less likely to want to rebel and reach for the high-fat, high-sugar foods that can so easily send your weight loss off track.
More on the blog:
How and why Free Food works
Your 5 favourite Free Food recipes
More for members

Slimming World members have access to an online collection of more than 2,000 recipes, including more than 900 that are completely free!